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Wow! Things are moving quickly here at Helen & Joey Estate.

The warm and relatively dry spring has made the vines grow like crazy. They are almost growing in front of our eyes sometimes! The good news in it all is that flowering is just about done, and I’m pleased to say it was successful, big bunches with lots of fruit.

There is still a long way to go to the finish line, but we tracking well thus far for a good season. We have bottled a few wines over the last couple of months. Our 2015 Pinot Gris, Layla Chardonnay, rosè and Inara Pinot Noir all went to bottle and are drinking really well in time for summer. We also bottled some 2014 reds, which are looking quite smart too.

I’m begging to look at bottling quite a few more 2015 wines prior to vintage. Bottling early in the year sets up for a busy few months, as vintage will be nipping on the heels of bottling in February.

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0452 240 616